Creating a Button

This is a native Femap functionality.



This functionality allows you to add a command to a toolbar in the ribbon. This is useful for frequently used commands.


Use Instructions:

Right-click in an empty section of the ribbon, then select the "customize" option and select the "commands" tab.


Use the "Categories" list to navigate to the command you wish to create a button for. If you are unsure which category your command is in or the category does not appear, select the "All Commands" category, which contains all commands, alphabetized.

Select the desired command in the "Commands" list, and drag it to the location on the toolbar you wish to place it.

You can also drag buttons from a toolbar into the "Commands" list to remove them from the toolbar.

If you wish to create a new toolbar for this button, you can do so by selecting the "Toolbars" tab of the "Customize" menu (the same pop-up box that the Commands tab is in) and select "new". Name your toolbar, then select "OK." The new empty toolbar should appear at the bottom of your ribbon

You can also create custom icons for your buttons, or copy icons from other buttons. To access the button Icon editor, first open the "Customized" menu pictured above by right-clicking in an empty section of the ribbon and selecting "Customize". Then in the ribbon, find the button whose icon you wish to edit.

With the "Customize" menu open, right click on the button in the Ribbon. If you wish to create or edit the button's image, select "Edit Button Image". If you wish to copy the button's image for use elsewhere, select "Edit Button Image".

In the icon editor, you have the ability to customize your button icons. There are standard painting tools and a simple color palette. Edit the icon, and select "OK".



A command and a toolbar



Engineering Tools buttons can be identified by the colored top and left edges of the button icons. Blue edges mean the tool is in Beta, and Green edges mean the tool is "released."



If you cannot find the category containing your command, look in the "all commands" category.