Results by Group to Excel

Author: Eric Roulo


This script processes maximum strain and stress data by group and reports the results to Excel.

Use Instructions:

Run the API, select output sets to process, select groups to process for strain and separately for stress

The results will be enveloped and reported directly into an Excel Spreadsheet.

Add images for selection


Add images for output




The output vectors being enveloped have to be present in the output sets. Update the output requests and rerun if necessary.

Strain enveloping is based on max and min principal strains on 2D elements for both top and bottom surfaces. PARAM,NOCOMPS,-1 should be selected.

Stress enveloping is based on element centroidal max von-Mises stress for both 2D and 3D elements. This is considered the most reasonable values for ductile limit and ultimate strength assessments. If your program has different failure criteria, adjust the code accordingly. This approach would be invalid for fatigue work. Your element density should be appropriate for the analysis being done.
