Script Author: Ian Rivard



Export Group as Bulk Deck allows the user to export a group as a bulk deck. This can be helpful when building an executive deck, or a run deck with includes. It's useful to export coordinate systems that aren't necessary for run, but are useful in freebody or post-processing.

Export group to bulk deck

 Use Instructions:

Run the tool and the above GUI will prompt the user for format and group selection. The tool remembers the user preference from last run on the format selection and defaults to active group. If run again within 15 seconds, it will group selection will default to select group(s) the user to select a group or multiple groups for export into a single bulk deck.



A model with entities in a group.



*Note: this script only exports entities in the group, it does not add related… If this is desired, right-click the group and add related before running.
*Note: this script does not export loads, or constraints.



Advanced Users:

To our users: We appreciate feedback on our tools and encourage you to modify them to your specific needs. If you make an improvement you feel would be valuable to others, please submit it through our contribution page.